Bible Prophecy and Globalism
The Bible is good news. The prophecies are also good news, with many promises for God’s people in the last days. God has promised to number the 144,000. These are followed by the Great Multitude. “Bible Prophecy & Globalism” teaches God is love. Although there are many promises in prophecy, there is bad news for those who will not believe. Both the good and the bad news are covered in this book available only for Kindle.
Did you know the stories of Daniel have a hidden prophetic meaning? “Bible Prophecy & Globalism” uses these stories and prophecies in Daniel and Revelation to expose the Man of Sin, and the mysterious mark of the beast.
Is there a world-wide conspiracy? Are there secret societies leading us toward a mysterious agenda? Are there powers behind the scenes that we need to be aware of? Is there a world leader that is either in charge now or soon to take control of the entire world scene? Are there now plans being laid for a one-world government? What is Globalism? “Bible Prophecy & Globalism” was written to expose the Little Horn of Daniel 7 & 8, the Antichrist of Revelation 13 and the Man of Sin.
In Revelation, the mark of the beast is contrasted with the seal of God. Although most people see these two prophetic books as gloom and doom, they’re in fact good news, the good news of the Gospel.
You will be pleasantly surprised with the message in this book. May God bless your study.