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Welcome to The Latter Rain Project

New Book Released!

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We all need to know what happens When Michael Stands Up.

We need to know the relevance, if any, the third temple has for our salvation.

This recent book, When Michael Stands Up covers the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.   Daniel, in the 12th chapter, verse 1 in his end-time prophecy, tells us there is coming a time of trouble like there never was since the creation of the world.  What relevance is the third temple to us, if any?   What was the meaning of the temple in the past centuries, in ancient times?  Don’t we need to know these things?  Is Jesus coming to this earth as soon as many think?  Who or what is the beast of Revelation 13 or the little horn of Daniel 7and 8; it’s a name that adds up to 666.  The whole world wonders at his influence and power.  Could he be with us today?

You can download and read it free from this link.     Download Here


The man with the dirt brush is to come to restore the truths of the church. (EW 82) When will He come? Is he here now? What is the omega, if it’s not the alpha? How can we try to close the open door and open the closed door? What does it mean to place the tabernacle of his palace between the seas and the glorious holy mountain? (Daniel 11:40) Why can it be said that EGW didn’t say the 1888 message was righteousness by faith? If not, what did she say? This book is a must for our time.

The Latter Rain Project has been created to bring the glorious blessing of the latter rain to the forefront to discover what we must do to receive it. This subject should be well understood by the members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, for we have known of it for well over 150 years. Why have we not received it? Who is teaching it? Then too, what about the Final Atonement, the blotting out of sins and the complete fulfillment of the new covenant promise? Even more, what is the finishing of the mystery of God in Revelation 10:7? This revealing of the mystery is in the sixth trumpet, just before the seventh is sounded, which is the coming of the Holy One.

The Latter Rain Project has recently purchased twenty-two acres of land in south-central Wisconsin where construction is underway for a meeting hall and guest cabins.   We are planning for both health lectures and Bible seminars. It is our goal to provide a means to better our health as we prepare to receive the new covenant blessing, the writing of God’s law on our hearts. (Jeremiah 31:31-34.)

Available Seminar Options

• One day- 2 hour presentation

•Two day, with 1.5 hour presentation each day


Either choice can be adapted to Friday, Sabbath or Sabbath morning and afternoon, or as needed.

The expenses for hosting a seminar are:

• Travel expenses for flight and rental car

• A Place for speaker to lodge while there

• A Freewill offering collected to support our ministry

Some suggested topics:

•  Is the Third Angel’s Message Righteousness by Faith or Justification by Faith? Does It Matter?

•  The Blotting Out of Sins and the Latter Rain.  When Will They Come?

•  Egypt to Canaan and Yom Kippur.  God’s Great Blessing.

•  Closing the Open Door, Opening the Closed Door.

To Schedule a seminar, email:

