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Omega Now

Omega Now – A Most Startling Heresy

omega-now“Be not deceived; many will depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. We have now before us the alpha of this danger. The omega will be of a most startling nature.” 1SM 197.

This heresy is to come upon us in these last days, but who is informing us of what it is? Who is talking about it? Are we concerned? Should we be concerned?

Does Omega Now have the answers? You can decide. The following is a brief explanation of what is in the book, chapter by chapter.

Introduction – An brief review of what can be found in the following chapter, the shaking, the omega, the last deception of Satan, the final atonement and the latter rain.

Chapter 1 – Saved From What? We need to know what we are saved from before we can receive the blessing.

Chapter 2 – Rehearsal to Performance. See how Leviticus 23 is involved, the seven Sabbath feasts.

Chapter 3 – The Sealing – When? Many of us have a blurry time line of last day event. It needs to be clear.

Chapter 4 – The Latter Rain. When will it fall? What does it do? It’s really easier than we think.

Chapter 5 – Ellen White’s Dream. What condition must we reach to receive the latter rain?

Chapter 6 – Turn Not Aside. Adventism will be shaken. We must be willing to take persecution from all directions.

Chapter 7 – Not Defiled with Women. Who or what has crept into the camp of Israel before entry into the Promised Land?

Chapter 8 – Ezekiel’s Promise. The abominations of Ezekiel 8 followed by the judgment of Ezekiel 9. a promise to god’s people.

Chapter 9 – Omega, the Book. Another look at Walton’s book, Omega. What might surprise you.

Chapter 10 – Egypt to Canaan. Their history is our warning. We are repeating the history of those people.

Chapter 11 – The Abomination of Desolation. Who will be faithful , who lost?

Chapter 12 – The Last Deception. Ellen White neglected in the last days. Is she a prophet?

Chapter 13 – Entering into the Light. What is the ultimate goal of God’s SDA Church?

Chapter 14 – The Judgment is Good News. It’s time to cross the Jordan. With His help, we can do it.

Chapter 15 – The Omega Rebellion. Another look at Howard’s book, The Omega Rebellion.

How much truth can Satan use in his sermons and false doctrines and still deceive us? I would like to suggest he can use 100% truth and yet lead us on to destruction. Yes, we can be mislead down the lane of destruction with 100% truth, as long as he keeps Present Truth from us. I call this “apostasy by omission.” Omega Now, page 90.

“There are many precious truths contained in the Word of God, but it is “present truth” that the flock needs now. I have seen the danger of the messengers running off from the important points of present truth, to dwell upon subjects that are not calculated to unite the flock and sanctify the soul. Satan will here take every possible advantage to injure the cause. EW 63.
“But such subjects as the sanctuary, in connection with the 2300 days, the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, are perfectly calculated to explain the past Advent movement and show what our present position is, establish the faith of the doubting, and give certainty to the glorious future. These, I have frequently seen, were the principal subjects on which the messengers should dwell.” EW 63.

“The enemies of the present truth have been trying to open the door of the holy place, that Jesus has shut, and to close the door of the most holy place, which He opened in 1844, where the ark is, containing the two tables of stone on which are written the ten commandments by the finger of Jehovah.
“Satan is now using every device in this sealing time to keep the minds of God’s people from the present truth and to cause them to waver.” EW 43.

We need to know what the omega is and how it relates to Present Truth.

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