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Restoring the Holy of Holies

restoring-holyRestoring the Holy of Holies presents Revelation as a seven-act play with a prelude and a finale. the progam for this play is below.

The Program (Table of Contents)

Introduction – You Must Be Born Again

Chapter 1 – The Prophetic Keys of Revelation

The Prelude

Chapter 2 – The Prelude – 1:1-9

Chapter 3 – The Sanctuary Key

Act I

Chapter 4 – Sanctuary setting – Act I –1:10-20

Chapter 5 – Act I – Seven Candlesticks

Chapter 6 – Strengthen the Things that Remain

Chapter 7 – The Disappointment Key – William Miller

Chapter 8 – Seventy Years Until?

Chapter 9 – The End of the Seventy Weeks of Years

Chapter 10- The Last Week

Act II

Chapter 11 – Sanctuary Setting – Act II — 4:1 – 5:14

Chapter 12 – Act II – Seven Seals – 6:1-11

Chapter 13 – Act II, Scene 6 – Sealing of 144,000 – 6:9-11

Chapter 14 – The Yearly Cycle Key 1

Chapter 15 – The Yearly Cycle Key 2

Chapter 16 – Plastic Sins – Cloth Temple


Chapter 17 – Sanctuary Setting – Act III – 8:2-6

Chapter 18 – Act III – Seven Trumplets

Chapter 19 – First Two Woes

Chapter 20 – Just Before the Last Woe

Chapter 21 – Scene 6 – War on God’s Word

Chapter 22 – Scene 7 – The Sealing – 11:15-18

Chapter 23 – The Soul Temple

Act IV

Chapter 24 – Santuary Setting – Act IV – 11:19

Chapter 25 – Axct IV – Scene 1 – Clothed with the Sun – 12:1-17

Chapter 26 – Babylon – A Key

Chapter 27 – Daniel’s Prophetic Keys

Chapter 28 – Scene 2, Part 1 – A Beast Out of the Sea – 13:1-10

Chapter 29 – Scene 2, Part 2 – The Lamb-like Beast – 13:11-18

Chapter 30 – Scene 2, Part 3 – The Seal of the Beast

Chapter 31 – The Seal of God – A Key

Chapter 32 – Scene 3 – The 144,000 at War – 14:6-12

Chapter 33 – Scene 4 – The Three Angels – Judgment – 14:6-12

Chapter 34 – Evolution / Creation

Chapter 35 – Scenes 5 and 6 – The Harvest of Souls – 14:6-12

Act V

Chapter 36 – Act V – Sanctuary Setting – 15:5-16:1

Chapter 37 – Act V – The Seven Last Plagues

Act VI

Chapter 38 – Act VI – Scene 1 – Fate of the Harlot – 17:1-18

Chapter 39 – Scene 2 – The Fall of Babylon – 18:1-24

Chapter 40 – Scene 3 – Called to the Marriage supper – 18:1-24

Chapter 41 – On Death and Dying

Chapter 42 – The Seventh Millennium – 20:1-10

Chapter 43 – The Great Week

Chapter 44 – Scene 6 – Things Written in the Books – 20:1-10

Chapter 45 – Scene 7 – Everything New


Chapter 46 – Act VII – The Bride – New Jerusalem – 21:19-22:5

Chapter 47 – Things to Come – What to Look for in the Future

Chapter 48 – The Mystery of God


Chapter 49 – The Finale – 22:6-21


Restoring the Holy of Holies is 300 pages with 49 chapters in a 7 “x 10 ” format. With 49 chapters, this makes an average length of each chapter at about 6 pages. Each chapter is bite sized to make your study easier to absorb as you study.

Order a copy of Restoring the Holy of Holies here.

Also available for Kindle.