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When Michael Stands Up


      We all need to know what happens When Michael Stands Up.  We need to know the relevance, if any, the third temple has to our salvation.

     This recent book, When Michael Stands Up covers the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.   Daniel, in the 12th chapter, verse 1 in his end-time prophecy, tells us there is coming a time of trouble like there never was since the creation of the world.  Then too, what relevance has the third temple to us, if any?   What was the meaning of the temple in the past centuries, in ancient times?  Don’t we need to know these things?  Is Jesus coming to this earth as soon as many think He is?  Who or what is the beast of Revelation 13 or the little horn of Daniel 7and 8; it’s his name that adds up to 666.  The whole world wonders at his influence and power.  Could he be with us today?



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